Madelyn March


There’s really not much to tell.  Honestly, I’d much rather write fiction!! I am a lover of words!  I have other jobs as well, but my favorite thing, besides being with my family, is to create new realities with characters that are flawed, yet interesting enough (I hope), to keep the reader compelled to turn another page.  I like to juggle books in various stages so I have one self-published, one nearing the publishing stage, another in final revisions, and notebooks full of partial stories, essays, and poems.  I have no shortage of ideas, just a shortage of time (like everyone else!).

The purpose of this blog is to talk about writing.  Sometimes as writers we are so engrossed in our stories that we forget to look up and around (or is it only me?) but exploring the craft is a way to further develop our skills.  So, let’s talk.  Look around my blog, add your comments or questions, and let’s see what we can learn from each other, or at the very least find a useful mind-break from writing for a few moments.

2 thoughts on “Madelyn March

  1. Alice July 16, 2015 / 2:15 am

    Just finished The Nature of Denial. It was a great read. Enjoyed it!


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